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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Zelda: Majora's Mask

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Game Name : Zelda: Majora's Mask
System : Nintendo 64
Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:55:12
Views : 84540

Cheat :
Advance time:
Play the following notes on the Ocarina: C-Right(2), A(2), C-Down(2) travel to the next time it will be 6:00. . For example, if it is currently 6:00 PM on the First Day and you play the song, you will go to 6:00 AM on the Second Day (twelve hours forward). But, if you play the song at 4:00 AM on the First Day, you will go to 6:00 PM on the First Day (2 hours forward).

Slower time with normal movement rate:
Play the following notes on the Ocarina (The Song Of Time backwards): C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Right. Play the song again to return to normal.

Heal signs:
Destroy a sign, then play the following notes on the Ocarina (The Song Of Healing): C-Left, C-Right, C-Down.

Submitted By : Sean Pappernat
To get the Blast Mask you must hit Sakon with the sword at 12:00PM on the first day.

Submitted By : Jericka
If you have a deed you can go to the Stock Pot in at 12:00p.m. To get inside put on the Duka Mask and get in the Duka Flower, and fly to the giant morning bell. There will be a door there, it is the back door to the Hotel. Once inside you need to go to the first floor and go to the first room on your left. That room is the bathroom. Someone lives in the toilet get next to it and out will pop a grey hand. Talk to the hand and it will say it needs paper so press your "Start" button and put the deed in one of your "C" buttons by pressing one. Then press "Start" again, and give him the deed, this will make it happy and he will give you a thumb up and also give you a Heart Piece! Thats all you have to do bye!

Submitted By : Jericka
To get the Fairy Mask, you must not be wearing the Duka Mask. Instead, take it off and find a fairy. The fairies are small yellow bug type things that float in the air. If you can't find any try looking at the Laundry Pool, theres one in the water next to the bridge, and one in North Clock Town, but it has to be night for you to get it, about 8:30 or so. After you have gotten a fairy, go to South Clock Town, and up the 2 small hills next to the fence, by the hole in the ground. Go in the opening next to the fence, and you will be in the room with the Fairy Lady, go near the water and there will be many fairies floating above the water. Once you go near the water, she will pop out and talk to you, then give you more power in your red meter that you use for throwing Blast Bubbles. After she has filled up your red meter, she will thank you for giving her the fairy. In return she will give you the Fairy Mask and tell you to help her find all her small fairies to put her back together. Then she will tell you what the Fairy Mask is used for. If you don't know what its used for I will tell you instead. When you put it on and stand by a fairy it will sparkle and the fairy will come to you instead of you getting it! Pretty cool huh? Anyway I have provided you with 2 fairies I hpoe that will help you with your quest thanks for readind bye!

Submitted By : zelda master
in south clock town, aim the hookshot at the center circle in the clock for rupees

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